Navigating the New Energy Landscape: A Guide for Greek Businesses

The energy sector in Greece is undergoing a significant transformation, with new regulations shaping the way businesses harness solar power. At Renel Energy & Power Engineering, we’re committed to keeping you informed about these changes and helping you make the most of them.

Understanding Net Metering and Net Billing

For years, businesses have been able to offset their energy consumption with solar power through a process known as Net Metering. While this system has proven beneficial, the Greek government has introduced a new framework: Net Billing.

  • Net Metering: Think of it as a two-way meter that tracks both the energy you consume from the grid and the energy your solar panels produce. Any excess energy you generate is credited to your account, which you can use later.
  • Net Billing: Under this system, you still benefit from the energy your solar panels produce, but instead of receiving credits, you sell the excess energy back to the grid on the Day Ahead Market (DAM) Price.

What are the changes for Greek businesses?

  • Production stations can be installed in any region of the country, regardless of the location of the consumption facilities for offsetting (Virtual Net-Billing).
  • Excess energy, which cannot be offset at the time of its production, will be injected into the grid and paid for based on the Day Ahead Market (DAM) Price.
  • The measurement of the electrical energy produced by the production station, as well as the electrical energy absorbed and injected to and from the grid, will be carried out by the competent Operator, at 15-minute intervals.
  • Therefore, a telemetry system is required to record real-time data on the production and injection of electricity from the station and the consumption of the supply to be offset.
  • With Net-Billing, each production station is exclusively matched with the meter of the consumption installation, while with Virtual Net-Billing, each production station can be matched with one or more meters of the self-producer by applying predefined energy distribution percentages to each consumption installation.
  • The combination of a Net-Billing PV system with a storage system (battery) maximizes the benefit for the self-consumer, as it allows for the storage of excess energy (during hours of high sunshine) which exceeds the consumption during those specific hours.

Why does this matter for your business?

  • Cost Savings: Both systems offer significant cost savings, but the specific benefits depend on your energy consumption patterns and local electricity rates.
  • Energy Independence: By generating your own power, you become less reliant on traditional energy sources and can protect yourself from rising electricity costs.
  • Environmental Impact: Solar energy is a clean and sustainable source of power, helping to reduce your carbon footprint.

Net-Billing Benefits:

  • Electricity cost reduction
  • Protection against fluctuations
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions
  • Harmonization with the European Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Buildings until 2030
  • Reinforcement of ESG criteria
  • Immediate payback of the investment

Understanding Energy Communities

Energy communities are a collaborative model that allows businesses, households, and other entities to come together to produce, consume, and trade renewable energy. These communities can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to reduce their energy costs, increase their sustainability, and contribute to a more resilient energy system.

Benefits of Joining an Energy Community

  • Cost Savings: By sharing resources and generating energy collectively, businesses can benefit from economies of scale and potentially lower energy costs.
  • Increased Control: Energy communities give businesses a greater say in how their energy is produced and consumed, fostering energy independence.
  • Environmental Impact: By investing in renewable energy sources, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet.

How Renel Can Help

At Renel, we can assist businesses in:

  • Identifying Suitable Communities: We’ll help you find energy communities that align with your business goals and values.
  • Navigating the Legal Framework: We’ll guide you through the legal and regulatory requirements for joining or forming an energy community.
  • Developing Community Projects: We can help you develop and implement renewable energy projects that benefit your business and the community.

Energy communities are a promising development in the energy sector, offering businesses a new way to harness the power of renewable energy. By joining an energy community, your business can contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future.

Battery Storage

When it’s not feasible to synchronize production and consumption, the optimal choice is to combine a net billing system with a battery. Excess energy generated during sunny hours can be stored in the battery and then used when solar energy is insufficient. Additionally, since July 2024, when compensation will be based on the value of the kilowatt-hour on the energy exchange, using batteries is recommended to maximize profits from a photovoltaic system under the net billing scheme. Ideally, the battery should store enough energy to meet the business’s nighttime needs, while the solar panels can charge the battery during the day while simultaneously meeting consumption needs. The maximum current of the consumer’s total installation must not exceed the maximum charging capacity of the supply.

Net Billing or Standalone Solar?

Our customers often ask which is the better option: standalone solar or net billing solar. The answer depends on the specific case and consumption profile, but unlike net metering, net billing is closer to standalone solar, provided a battery is installed. However, if a battery (and a large one at that) is added to a net billing system, it becomes quite similar to a standalone system. The main difference is that the hybrid inverters used in net billing systems are not designed to operate off-grid for extended periods. Therefore, if autonomy and power supply during power outages are important, standalone solar is the best choice.

Renel’s Expertise

At Renel, we’re at the forefront of these changes. Our team of experts can help you:

  • Optimize Your System: Design a solar system that maximizes your energy production and minimizes your energy costs.
  • Implement Energy Storage: Explore the benefits of energy storage solutions, such as batteries, to further enhance your energy independence.
  • Navigate the Regulatory Landscape: Stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and ensure your system complies with all relevant standards.

The Future of Energy

The energy landscape is evolving rapidly, and businesses that embrace renewable energy sources are poised to benefit. With our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, Renel is your trusted partner in this journey.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your energy goals.